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The walls become the furniture in this hotel room
Not splitting the space and allowing it to flow was the main aim in the design of this room. The furniture - solved on the walls of the room - allows for different ways to live in (to sleep, to sit, to work, to relax, to lay down).
Náklady na tento projekt se pohybovaly okolo cca 8000 Kč/m2, přičemž tato cena zahrnuje: nová koupelna, nové elektroinstalace, úpravy dispozic, podlahy podklady, podlahy povrchy, interiérové dveře, truhlářské práce, nábytek, světla, doplňky. Pokud se Vám tato realizace líbí, snadno odhadnete náklady u vaší nemovitosti vynásobením ceny a plochy. V případě zájmu si můžete objednat nezávaznou prohlídku stavebního odborníka z CZECH DECO TEAM.
A DESIGN is an architecture and interior design company based in Prague. We can help you with designing your new home, planning the reconstruction of an existing space or just decorating a room, whether it is a house, office or any other type of project.
We believe in live architecture. An architecture that stimulates all senses: touch, smell, hearing, taste and sight of course. An architecture that is not just contemplative, but one that allows the participation of its inhabitantsallowing them to interact with the space and transform it according to their needs.
We are husband and wife team working together. Although our skills and approaches towards architecture and design are different, we each bring an important perspective to the projects. Cristina use a more creative way with designing and Jirka's vision is more systematic. This complementary relationship make us a great team.
Rádi vám poradíme / Konzultujte s námi / Ptejte se
Rádi vám poradíme / Konzultujte s námi / Ptejte se
Ing. arch. Cristina Mejia, A DESIGN
Billing and mailing address:
B-BUILD s.r.o.
Tupolevova 710, 199 00 Praha 9, Česká republika
Email: Zobrazit email
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