prof. Ing. arch. Robert Voticky
prof. Ing. arch. Robert Voticky Autor projektu
prof. Ing. arch. Robert Voticky

Multipurpose space at the British Embassy in Prague - invited competition

O projektu

From an existing reception/cloakroom and old storage space and archive to create a multi-purpose space for exhibitions, workshops, lectures, social events and commercial meetings. The restored original vaulted spaces achieve the flexibility by 3 mobile rotating partitions serving as display screens.They which can subdivide space to form desired configuration. Each panel has a pull out inner screen with display tv screens and folding worktops for work stations. Large tv screen at the back of front space allows to adapt space for lectures and talks. Rear space is converted to refreshment/dining/social room with foldable tables and foldable service hatches to provide for refreshments furing events and for coffee/dining space for Embassy staff. Live green wall compensates for restricted daylight and views.

Cena realizace projektu

20000 Kč/m2

Náklady na tento projekt se pohybovaly okolo cca 20000 Kč/m2, přičemž tato cena zahrnuje: nové elektroinstalace, úpravy dispozic, podlahy povrchy, interiérové dveře, truhlářské práce, nábytek, světla, doplňky. Pokud se Vám tato realizace líbí, snadno odhadnete náklady u vaší nemovitosti vynásobením ceny a plochy. V případě zájmu si můžete objednat nezávaznou prohlídku stavebního odborníka z CZECH DECO TEAM.

Autoři projektu


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prof. Ing. arch. Robert Voticky

Telefon: Zobrazit telefon
